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Aloha Ahiahi -> Good Evening / Aloha au ia 'oe -> I love you
Aloha nui loa -> Very much love / Kala mai ia'u -> Excuse me
Mahalo -> Thank you / 'A'ole pilikia -> You're welcome, No problem
A hui hou -> Till we meet again / Pehea 'oe? -> How are you?
Maika'i no au -> I am fine / 'O ia mau no -> Same as usual
'A'ole -> No / 'Ae -> Yes / Kolohe -> Rascal / Pupule -> Crazy
Akamai -> Smart, Clever / Hau'oli La Hanau -> Happy Birthday
'O wai kou inoa? -> What is your name? -> / 'O _____ ko'u inoa - My name is _____
*Child, offspring <~> keiki * Children <~> kamali`i * Classmate <~> hoa kula
*Clergyman <~> kahuna pule * Close Friend <~> hoapili * Cousin <~> hoahanau
*Daughter <~> kaikamahine * Doctor <~> kauka * family <~> ohana * Father <~> makua kane
*Grandchild <~> mo`opuna * Grandfather <~> kupunakane or tutu kane
*Grandmother <~> kupunawahine or tutu wahine * Groom <~> kahu lio
*Husband <~> kane male * Leader <~> alaka'i * Mother <~> makuahine * Nurse <~> kahu ma'i
*Priest, Skilled person, Expert in a field <~> kahuna * Sister <~> kaikuahine * Soldier <~> koa
*Son <~> keikikane * Sweetheart <~> ku`uipo * Teacher <~> kumu a'o * Uncle <~> `anakala
*Wife <~> wahine male
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* Come visit again <~> Kipa hou mai * Get Well <~> E Ola * Good Luck <~>Pomaika`i
* Farewell to you <~> Aloha `oe * From the ___ Family <~> Mai ka 'ohana ___
* I Love You <~> Aloha Au Ia 'Oe * I Truly Love You <~> Aloha No Au Ia 'Oe
* Just for you <~> Nau wale no * Thank you <~> Mahalo
* Thank you for your hospitality <~> Mahalo no kou ho`okipa
* Thank you very much <~> Mahalo nui loa * To my love <~> Ia Iho Ke Aloha
* To the ____ Family <~> E ka `ohana __ * Until we meet again <~> A hui hou kakou
* Warm love, affection <~> Aloha Pumehana * With love <~> Me Ke Aloha
* With the warmth of my love <~> Me Ke Aloha Pumehana )
Like many Hawaiian words, "Aloha" has a variety of meanings. As a greeting it means "Hello" or "Goodbye". When used as a noun it means, Compassion, Mercy, Love, Lover, Grace or Kindness. As an adjective it can mean, Beloved, Kind or Charitable. As a verb it means "To Love", "To have Pity" or "To Venerate". When doubled as in; "Alohaloha", it means, "To make Love", express Gratitude, Affection, Compassion or to "Give Thanks".
(also see: )A house or building as in; "Haleakala" (House of the Sun)
"Work""as in; "Pau Hana" (finished work). Also the name of a popular town on Hawaiian Island of Maui
(also see: hau'oli )Caucasian, American or English. Can mean any foreigner. Also the anme of non-indigineous plants of foreign origin
To be "Happy, glad or joyful" as in;"Hau'oli Makahiki Hou" meaning; "Happy New Year..!" or"Hau'oli Lahanau" meaning; "Happy Birthday..!"
Coconut cream pudding, made famous as a staple at Hawaiian picnics
An ancient religious Hawaiian site
To remove or take off
Again, new, fresh or more
"Till we meet again..."
Club, association or gathering of people. Also can mean to join, unite, introduce or meet someone
Traditional Hawaiian dance distained by the early missionaries but revived by King Kalakaua and performed widely throughout the world and featured acroos all the Hawaiian Islands today. Traditionally a slow dance involving the hands which are used to tell a story.
Hawaii's popular State Fish also known as the "Reef Triggerfish". To pronouce it phonetically, it's "two Humu's", "two Nuku's, followed by a "pua'a".
Sea, Sea water or area near the Ocean. Also the name of a Hawaiian Fish as well as used to designated a famous district east of Honolulu known as; "Hawai'i Kai".
Using Pig in Hawaiian cuisine by the shredded of pork wrapped in "Ti" leaves and cooked in an underground earth-oven called an "Imu", with the aid of pre-heated volcanic rocks water. Kalua is traditionally the main food at any Hawaiian Luau.
"Born of the Land". A Host, native, or of local origin. To be acquainted or familiar with. An important part of Hawaiian culture and native traditions. Being a "Kama'aina", doesn't necessitate one having to be born in Hawaii. It's interpreted more as an individuals attitude about the land, people and lifestyle of the Hawaiian Islands.
bark-based tree cloth that ancient Hawaiians used in making their clothes, sails and as a type of fabric for many household purposes.
Taboo, forbidden or sacred. Posted on someone's gate or property it means: "No Tresspassing".
A plant with long, broad leaves which has always been very important in the Hawaiian culture. It has and still is used for clothes, cooking, making leis, wrapping packages, and as a key ingredient in Hawaiian traditional medicine.
To enter or go in. To join a class, group or organization.
(also see: Lono, Pele) A Tahitian god who sometimes appears in Hawaiian legends.
Meaning "Light". It is also the name of Hawaii's State Tree, better known as the "Candlenut tree". The burning of the nuts of this tree provided the early Hawaiians with light and they still provide oil and are used for medicinal purposes today. The Kukui tree is considered an ostentatious display of wealth and good fortune.
Heaven, spiritual, or majesty as in: 'Iolani" Palace.
"House of Heaven" or Hotel.
A closed or open garland or wreath of flowers, leaves, shells, ivory, feathers, nuts, beads, paper or other materials worn around the neck or on the head. To put a lei on someone. A beloved child, sibling, spouse or sweetheart (because children are often carried on the shoulders with their legs draped down on both sides like a lei). Leis are very important in Hawaiian culture and there is a complicated ettiquette associated with them. "Never" refuse one. Never give a "Closed" lei to a pregnant woman, as this is considered extremely bad-luck towards the unborn child.
Far, distance, length, height (Mauna Loa) very, very much (Mahalo Nui Loa)
(also see: Ku, Pele) A Hawaiian god whom Captain Cook was mistaken for on his first visit, to the captain's great short-term benefit and eventual undoing.
To rub, press, massage. Lomilomi salmon is salt cured salmon that has been soaked and "massaged" (to get rid of some of the salt) then chopped up and mixed with chopped tomatoes, green and white onions. Goes great with poi. Traditional fare at a luau.
A hole, pit, grave, or crater. A lua is a hole that has a bottom, contrasted with a puka which is a perforation. Also: a toilet.
(also see: lua, Kalua, pig, lomilomi, salmon A traditional Hawaiian feast which usually features Pig slow cooked underground. A local favorite and very popular tourist attraction in Hawaii.
Thank You... As in; "Mahalo Nui Loa", meaning "Thank you very much..."
(also see: nai'i) A Hawaiian fish, small dolphin like in appearance. A favorite fish to eat and served at most restaurants in the Hawaiian Islands.
(also see: mauka) Toward the sea, ocean or downslopes.
Stranger or newcomer. Someone who isn't a "Kama'aina" or of local origin.
Spiritual or supernatural power.
(also see: makai) Toward the inland, hills, upslopes or mountain area. Can be frequently heard on Hawaiian Weather Reports as in the island phrase; "Windward and Mauka showers".
Cut off, or made short. A loose gown, so called because in their haste to get the ladies covered up, the missionaries designed them without a yoke so they could be made faster. Today Mu'u Mu'u dresses are among the most popular evening apparel for women. Designs range from casual to very formal and elaborate. Customarily worn on Friday's in Hawaii to celebrate the "Aloha Spirit" and traditionally has a flower print design.
Porpoise and/or Dolphin.
The Hawaii State Bird also known as the Hawaiian goose and related to the Canada Goose. Once endangered, it is now recovering with populations growing slowly on on The Big Island and Maui. It has adapted itself to life in the harsh lava country by transforming its webbed feet into a claw-like shape and modifying its wing structure for shorter flights. Hunting and wild animals almost destroyed this species until they were protected by law and a restoration project established in 1949
Much, big, alot as in; "Mahalo Nui Loa" (Thank You very much) or "Aloha Nui" (Much Love)
Family, relatives, to be related as in; "'Ohana nui" menaing "Extended family or clan". Also used to describe a team, fellowship or community.
The buttocks. Can be used as a compliment of in a derrogatory way just as in English
To speak, use words, speech, talking, language as in; "'Olelo Hawai'i", (the Hawaiian language)
Good, delicious. Frequently used in the half Hawaiian half English slang term; "Ono-licious" Ono and Delicious
(also see: 'a'a-) A smooth unbroken ropey formation of lava, compared with 'A'a which is chunky. 'A'a and Pahoehoe are Hawaiian words which have been adopted by geologists around the world to refer to specific types of lava formation.
"Crazy-Weed", numbing tobacco, other wise known as marijuana
China, or Chinese.
Meaning "Cliff" as in the "Na Pali Coast": ("Cliffs along the Coastline"), cliffs of Kauai or the "Pali Lookout" on the Hawaiian Island of O'ahu.
Finished, all done, As in: "Pau Hana" (finished work).
(also see: Ku, Lono) Red-eyed Hawaiian Goddess of the Volcano(s), said to reside in Kilauea, the currently active Volcano on "The Big Island of Hawaii".
To burst out, crack open, or break forth. Also known as the Cape Gooseberry (Physalis peruviana), which is often used as a jam.
Hawaiian cuisine made of taro root (locally grown) and pounded into a paste. Poi ferments as it ages and is considered best if it is at least 4- hours old. It is considered a bland side-dish for eating with salted food and fish as well as a food staple of many people in Hawai'i. Its taste is frequently compared humorously to that of wallpaper paste. Usually in short supply because of high demand and limited cultivation.
Snail or appetizer. Formerly the fish, chicken or bananna served with kava.
Giant trevally, pampano or jackfish. A favorite sporting and edible fish in Hawaiian waters.
Female, woman or wife. Also the name of some of Hawaii's Sports and Athletic teams.
Fast, quick or to "hurry up..." Name given to the tram shuttles at the Honolulu International Airport (HNL), as well as a convenience store chain located on the Big Island of Hawaii
*Congratulations Graduate ~ Ho'omaika'i 'Ana Ho’opuka*
*Congratulations on the birth of your daughter ~ Ho'omaika'i 'Ana Ma Ka Hiki 'Ana Mai O Kau Kaikamahine*
*Congratulations on the birth of your son ~ Ho'omaika'i 'Ana Ma Ka Hiki 'Ana Mai O Kau Keiki Kane*
*Congratulations on your graduation ~ Ho'omaika'i 'Ana Ma Kou Puka Kula 'ana*
*Congratulations on your new house ~ Ho'omaika'i 'Ana Ma Kou Hale Hou*
*Congratulations on your new business ~ Ho'omaika'i 'Ana Ma Kou `Oihana Hou*
*Congratulations on your retirement ~ Ho'omaika'i 'Ana Ma Kou Likaia*
*Congratulations on your anniversary ~ Ho'omaika'i 'Ana Ma Kou Ho'omana'o*
*Happy Anniversary ~ Hau`oli la Ho'omana'o*
*Happy Assistants Day ~ Hau`oli La Kakau ‘Olelo*
*Happy Birthday ~ Hau`oli la Hanau*
*Happy Bosses Day ~ Hau`oli La Luna*
*Happy Easter ~ Hau`oli Pakoa*
*Happy Father’s Day ~ Hau`oli La Makuakane*
*Happy Graduation ~ Hau`oli Ho’opuka*
*Happy Hanukkah ~ Hau’oli Hanukaha*
*Happy Hanukkah and New Year ~ Hau'oli Hanukaha me ka Makahiki Hou*
*Happy Holidays ~ Hau’oli Lanui*
*Happy Kwanzaa ~ Hau’oli Kawanaka*
*Happy Mother’s Day ~ Hau`oli La Makuahine*
*Happy New Year ~ Hau’oli Makahiki Hou*
*Happy Retirement ~ Hau`oli la Ho’omaha loa*
*Happy Sweet 16 ~ Hau`oli Momona 'Umi Kumaono*
*Happy Thanksgiving ~ Hau’oli La Ho’omakika’i*
*Merry Christmas ~ Mele Kalikimaka*
*Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ~ Mele Kalikimaka me ka Hau'oli Makahiki Hou*
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